Animal farm study guide
Animal farm study guide

animal farm study guide

The only animal missing is Moses, the raven, who is sleeping on his perch behind the barn door. Mollie, the young mare, arrives just before the cat, who settles in between Boxer and Clover.

animal farm study guide

A group of motherless ducklings wanders in and Clover, being the motherly type, forms a safe place for them to sit with her leg. Muriel, the white goat, and the donkey Benjamin follow. Hens, pigeons, sheep, and cows arrive, as well as the horses, Boxer and Clover. The first animals to arrive are the three dogs, Bluebell, Jessie, and Pincher, followed by the pigs.

animal farm study guide

He is waiting for his fellow animals in the big barn. Old Major has called the meeting to discuss a strange dream he had the previous night. The moment he is out of sight, they begin to bustle around, preparing themselves for the big meeting that is to take place that night. Jones, the owner of Manor Farm, stumbles drunkenly up to bed as the farm animals wait in still silence.

Animal farm study guide