“I whistled very softly, still sitting motionless, hands still flat on the table. For instance, when he gets worked up, he repeats himself: The novel succeeds in its major components of scene-setting and dialogue that is so convincing you can actually read it out loud and it still works.

He is like a Classical Hollywood Cinema private eye he assumes disguises, manipulates people skillfully to get information out of them, hangs out in seedy motels, has a nose and an eye for the tracks of his prey, wrestles with his personal demons and, in the end, gets the girl! If this were not an “alternative history” novel, a sub-genre of Science Fiction, in which he skillfully does code-cracking and hacking, I could imagine him hanging out in a trench coat and hat in a smoky bar with a gal on his arm and a cigarette dangling from his lip. The detective in this case is a former slave who tracks down other escaped slaves. Underground Airlines is plotted and described with such an eye for sweeping scale and personal drama that it is a good property to be made into a film.

I was expecting something good, and was not disappointed a polished, refined, sharp piece of alternative history writing which, due to its premise, is also a bugle call for the defence of democracy, freedom and the U.S. So one can safely say he knows how to write a hit and create really appealing, admirable protagonists. 3 in The Last Policeman trilogy, World of Trouble, Underground Airlines was also shortlisted for the Goodreads Choice Awards in the Science Fiction category, amongst other kudos. I called the hero of the series, “Detective Hank Palace”, “the Thinking Woman’s Crumpet” – and the detective in his latest novel Underground Airlines is another yummy crumpet.

Winters wrote the acclaimed, award-winning Science Fiction series, The Last Policeman. (Classified as alternative history, thriller, detective fiction, and suspense fiction.)īen H. Winters, published by Mulholland Books, Little, Brown and Company, New York, U.S., July 2016 (1st ed.), 327 pp., hard cover.