If you’re a fan of Superbad and Booksmart, this is the book for you. So if you like reading about food, which I assume you do because you’re here, I’ve compiled a list of food- and restaurant-focused graphic novels to get you started. But graphic novels go beyond Spiderman and the X-Men, essentially touching every genre. The medium is so heavily saturated with superheroes that it’s easy to get lost, or to think that’s all there is.

Now, if you’ve never read a graphic novel before, the transition into comics can feel daunting.

That’s why I like to add graphic novels into my rotation.

Fiction is the best escapism, but sometimes - say, in the midst of a global pandemic - processing a block of text feels too overwhelming, and I’d rather get lost in a book filled with a dazzling array of colors. If you’re like me, you take comfort in books.